Versatile Capping Solutions 
Streamline you Capping Process:
Unleash Efficiency with Aesus Cappers!
When hand tightening is not an Option
A cap retorquer is a perfect solution when production speeds are such that hand tightening is not an option.
Adding a retorquer will ensure that the caps are correctly tightened to the right specification either after an induction sealer has adhered the cap liner to the container or after an operator has manually applied the cap by hand.
Spindle Cappers
Most popular Capper for standard applications
A spindle capper is probably the most popular automatic capping machine for screw type caps. This capper applies the cap onto the bottles and then automatically tightens the cap using several sets of spindle wheels.
Spindle capping machines can be used with cap sorting elevators or vibratory bowls to completely automate the cap sorting process and application of the cap onto the bottles for continuous operation.
Chuck Cappers
For positive control reducing rejects
Chuck cappers are mainly chosen to when positive control of the container is required in order to reduce cross threads of caps and to allow for consistent cap torque. On all of our chuck capping machines, the cap is completely controlled and then placed onto the top of the container, pre-spin in the first station and then the second station creates the final and consistent torque of the cap.
Chuck capping machines are used with cap sorting elevators or vibratory bowls to completely automate the cap sorting process and application of the cap onto the bottles for continuous operation.